Tuesday 13 January 2015

A goal without a plan is just a wish

Well, it's about a week before my departure from Auckland and everything is starting to hit. Last night I had my last shift at work which, to say the least, was tough as the intensely strong love-hate relationship I share with that god forsaken place. I, in my usual style, didn't really tell many people that it was my last shift for the whole year in a desperate attempt to avoid one of my biggest hates; goodbyes and farewells. Aside from hating farewells they also change the feeling of everything and you begin to cherish things more; the last grumpy customer, the last time filling the forever emptying banana display, the wind that pushes me back on the bike, the last sight of the crowded bottle store and, finally, the last car that tries to run me over as I attempt to pull into the driveway.

As the day of my departure from Gisborne is also my aunty's birthday my mum, sister and I all decided it'd be a good idea to go and see her and wish her a happy birthday which just added to the anxiousness inside. At this time I realised that I don't feel sad or regretful when saying goodbye... instead I feel anxious to get everything over and done with. Why that is I don't know....

However, this feeling began to ease away after the first little bit. Thank god for that because that feeling just isn't a good time....

No matter how hard I try I can never seem to escape the clutches of the horrible farewell.... It just isn't something I like to experience; seeing my dog cringe in fear from the sight of the bus that will be my home for the next 9 hours, a large crowd of people standing next to the bus all teary-eyed as if this is the last time they will ever see their loved ones, my mum hiding the fact that she feels exactly the same underneath her sunglasses. All this emotion just to continue living as if this never happened... it just brings to life so accurately the saying 'out of sight, out of mind'.

Anyway, I am now on the bus that will drop me off in Auckland and all the surrounding of my lovely city just makes me wish I had spent less time working and more time enjoying this place while I can... but then again, it's only a year. What's gonna change pure paradise in one year? not much I reckon but time will tell...

Speaking of time, man how I wish the time on this bus trip would fly by like it does at work or the same way a month can just vanish and you are left lost without any sense of direction... well, I am, at least.